Developer Guide


Installing an editable copy of PyARPES

  1. Make an Anaconda environment or virtualenv for your installation of PyARPES

  2. Clone the respository

git clone


git clone
  1. Install PyARPES into your conda environment/virtualenv with pip install -e .



You need some additional Python packages as well as Yarn.

Installing Test Requirements

Install additional test requirements by running

$> conda env update --file environment-update-test.yml

or by manually installing the requirements.

Installing Yarn

Follow instructions for your platform at

Running Tests

yarn test

Getting test coverage information

If you want to generate coverage information, you can run the coverage command and serve results as HTML locally.

In one terminal start the Python HTTP server with:

$> python -m http.server --directory htmlcov

Now, refresh coverage information with

yarn coverage

finally, you can view results at localhost:8000.

When to write tests

If you are adding a new feature, please consider adding a few unit tests. Additionally, all bug fixes should come with a regression test if they do not require a very heavy piece of fixture data to support them.

To write a test that consumes data from disk using the standard PyARPES loading conventions, fixtures are available in tests/ The tests extent in illustrate using these fixtures.

Contributing Documentation

Adding a new section

To add a new section to the documentation, modify and add any other associated files. Then follow the instructions below for rebuilding the documentation.

Updating existing documentation

To update existing documentation you can simply modify the appropriate files. You should not need to rebuild the documentation for your changes to take effect, but there is no harm is doing so.

Rebuilding the documentation

To rebuild the documentation you will need to have both sphinx and pandoc installed. Then from the directory that contains the file

  1. Refresh Sphinx sources with sphinx-apidoc: python -m sphinx.apidoc --separate -d 3 --tocfile toc -o source arpes --force

  2. Build Sphinx documentation to ReStructuredText: make clean && make rst

  3. Convert ReStructuredText to Markdown: ./source/

  4. Run docsify to verify changes: docsify serve ./docs

  5. As desired publish to docs site by pushing updated documentation

Note Sometimes sphinx-doc has trouble converting modules to ReStructured Text.versioning This typically manifests with a KeyError in docutils. This occurs when the docstrings do not conform to the standard for ReStructuredText. The most common problem encountered is due to bare hyperlinks, which are incompatible with the unique hyperlink format in RST.


We don’t have any hard and fast style rules. As a coarse rule of thumb, if your code scans well and doesn’t use too many short variable names there’s no issue.