
This section contains some notes about customizing and making it easier to work inside PyARPES. A large amount of what is described here will be well known to anyone who has worked with Jupyter for a while, but there are also some specifics related to PyARPES.

The local configuration allows you to override the settings that are committed to the repository and therefore shared. You can use this to as adjust settings on various interactive tools. Have a look at arpes.config for what settings are read by default

    # contents here

If you want to override defaults, place a copy of a file in the repository root (i.e. above the arpes directory), or call arpes.config.override_settings({...}) with your changes.

IPython Kernel Customization

If you don’t want to have to import everything all the time and you are adverse to using arpes.setup you should customize your IPython session so that it runs imports when you first spin up a kernel. There are good directions for how to do this online, but a short version is:

  1. Create an IPython profile, use this to start your notebooks

  2. In ~/.ipython/profile_default/ make a folder startup

  3. Add the files ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/ and ~/.ipython/{Your profile}/startup/01-common-imports.ipy according to the templates in ipython_templates. See in particular note above about setting the environment variable using this file.

  4. Customize

It is important that the filenames you put are such that 00-add-arpes-path is lexographically first, as this ensures that it is executed first. The .ipy extension on 01-common-imports.ipy is also essential. Ask Conrad if any of this is confusing.