
Definitions of models involving Fermi edges.


AffineBroadenedFD([independent_vars, …])

A model for fitting an affine density of states with resolution broadened Fermi-Dirac occupation.

BandEdgeBGModel([independent_vars, prefix, …])

A model for fitting a Lorentzian and background multiplied into the fermi dirac distribution.

BandEdgeBModel([independent_vars, prefix, …])

A model for fitting a Lorentzian and background multiplied into the fermi dirac distribution.

FermiDiracAffGaussModel([independent_vars, …])

Fermi Dirac function with an affine background multiplied, then all convolved with a Gaussian.

FermiDiracModel([independent_vars, prefix, …])

A model for the Fermi Dirac function.

FermiLorentzianModel([independent_vars, …])

A Lorentzian multiplied by a gstepb background.

GStepBModel([independent_vars, prefix, …])

A model for fitting Fermi functions with a linear background.

GStepBStandardModel([independent_vars, …])

A model for fitting Fermi functions with a linear background.

GStepBStdevModel([independent_vars, prefix, …])

A model for fitting Fermi functions with a linear background.

TwoBandEdgeBModel([independent_vars, …])

A model for fitting a Lorentzian and background multiplied into the fermi dirac distribution.

TwoLorEdgeModel([independent_vars, prefix, …])

A model for (two lorentzians with an affine background) multiplied by a gstepb.