
arpes.analysis.decomposition.nmf_along(data: Union[xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset], axes: List[str], decomposition_cls, correlation=False, **kwargs) Tuple[Union[xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset], Any][source]

Performs a change of basis of multidimensional data according to sklearn decomposition classes.

This allows for robust and simple PCA, ICA, factor analysis, and other decompositions of your data even when it is very high dimensional.

Generally speaking, PCA and similar techniques work when data is 2D, i.e. a sequence of 1D observations. We can make the same techniques work by unravelling a ND dataset into 1D (i.e. np.ndarray.ravel()) and unravelling a KD set of observations into a 1D set of observations. This is basically grouping axes. As an example, if you had a 4D dataset which consisted of 2D-scanning valence band ARPES, then the dimensions on our dataset would be “[x,y,eV,phi]”. We can group these into [spatial=(x, y), spectral=(eV, phi)] and perform PCA or another analysis of the spectral features over different spatial observations.

If our data was called f, this can be accomplished with:

` transformed, decomp = decomposition_analysis(f.stack(spectral=['eV', 'phi']), ['x', 'y'], PCA) transformed.dims # -> [X, Y, components] `

The results of decomposition_along can be explored with arpes.widgets.pca_explorer, regardless of the decomposition class.

  • data – Input data, can be N-dimensional but should only include one “spectral” axis.

  • axes – Several axes to be treated as a single axis labeling the list of observations.

  • decomposition_cls – A sklearn.decomposition class (such as PCA or ICA) to be used to perform the decomposition.

  • correlation – Controls whether StandardScaler() is used as the first stage of the data ingestion pipeline for sklearn.

  • kwargs


A tuple containing the projected data and the decomposition fit instance.