Source code for arpes.analysis.shirley

"""Contains routines for calculating and removing the classic Shirley background."""
import warnings

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from arpes.provenance import update_provenance
from arpes.typing import DataType
from arpes.utilities import normalize_to_spectrum

__all__ = (

[docs]@update_provenance("Remove Shirley background") def remove_shirley_background(xps: DataType, **kwargs) -> DataType: """Calculates and removes a Shirley background from a spectrum. Only the background corrected spectrum is retrieved. Args: xps: The input array. kwargs: Parameters to feed to the background estimation routine. Returns: The the input array with a Shirley background subtracted. """ xps = normalize_to_spectrum(xps) return xps - calculate_shirley_background(xps, **kwargs)
def _calculate_shirley_background_full_range( xps: np.ndarray, eps=1e-7, max_iters=50, n_samples=5 ) -> np.ndarray: """Core routine for calculating a Shirley background on np.ndarray data.""" background = np.copy(xps) cumulative_xps = np.cumsum(xps, axis=0) total_xps = np.sum(xps, axis=0) rel_error = np.inf i_left = np.mean(xps[:n_samples], axis=0) i_right = np.mean(xps[-n_samples:], axis=0) iter_count = 0 k = i_left - i_right for iter_count in range(max_iters): cumulative_background = np.cumsum(background, axis=0) total_background = np.sum(background, axis=0) new_bkg = np.copy(background) for i in range(len(new_bkg)): new_bkg[i] = i_right + k * ( (total_xps - cumulative_xps[i] - (total_background - cumulative_background[i])) / (total_xps - total_background + 1e-5) ) rel_error = np.abs(np.sum(new_bkg, axis=0) - total_background) / (total_background) background = new_bkg if np.any(rel_error < eps): break if (iter_count + 1) == max_iters: warnings.warn( "Shirley background calculation did not converge " + "after {} steps with relative error {}!".format(max_iters, rel_error) ) return background @update_provenance("Calculate full range Shirley background") def calculate_shirley_background_full_range( xps: DataType, eps=1e-7, max_iters=50, n_samples=5 ) -> DataType: """Calculates a shirley background. The background is defined according to: S(E) = I(E_right) + k * (A_right(E)) / (A_left(E) + A_right(E)) Typically k := I(E_right) - I(E_left) The iterative method is continued so long as the total background is not converged to relative error `eps`. The method continues for a maximum number of iterations `max_iters`. In practice, what we can do is to calculate the cumulative sum of the data along the energy axis of both the data and the current estimate of the background Args: xps: The input data. eps: Convergence parameter. max_iters: The maximum number of iterations to allow before convengence. n_samples: The number of samples to use at the boundaries of the input data. Returns: A monotonic Shirley backgruond over the entire energy range. """ xps = normalize_to_spectrum(xps).copy(deep=True) core_dims = [d for d in xps.dims if d != "eV"] return xr.apply_ufunc( _calculate_shirley_background_full_range, xps, eps, max_iters, n_samples, input_core_dims=[core_dims, [], [], []], output_core_dims=[core_dims], exclude_dims=set(core_dims), vectorize=False, )
[docs]@update_provenance("Calculate limited range Shirley background") def calculate_shirley_background( xps: DataType, energy_range: slice = None, eps=1e-7, max_iters=50, n_samples=5 ) -> DataType: """Calculates a shirley background iteratively over the full energy range `energy_range`. Uses `calculate_shirley_background_full_range` internally. Outside the indicated range, the background is extrapolated as a constant from the nearest in-range value. Args: xps: The input data. energy_range: A slice with the energy range to be used. eps: Convergence parameter. max_iters: The maximum number of iterations to allow before convengence. n_samples: The number of samples to use at the boundaries of the input data. Returns: A monotonic Shirley backgruond over the entire energy range. """ if energy_range is None: energy_range = slice(None, None) xps = normalize_to_spectrum(xps) xps_for_calc = xps.sel(eV=energy_range) bkg = calculate_shirley_background_full_range(xps_for_calc, eps, max_iters, n_samples) bkg = bkg.transpose(*xps.dims) full_bkg = xps * 0 left_idx = np.searchsorted(full_bkg.eV.values, bkg.eV.values[0], side="left") right_idx = left_idx + len(bkg) full_bkg.values[:left_idx] = bkg.values[0] full_bkg.values[left_idx:right_idx] = bkg.values full_bkg.values[right_idx:] = bkg.values[-1] return full_bkg